For those old enough to remember a movie....... For those too young for the classic movie, this is my motto for the month:
The good.......the bad......the ugly.......
The good: Friends and enjoying a wonderful, most delicious dinner at Donna's and Souhail's beautiful home, with my favorite Veronica's. A good friend renting my house! Family! Mark's hunting experience in Cordoba, Argentina, shooting over 4000 doves, getting 4 massages, traveling 4 days, smoking 4 cigars. Burton's cancer recovery. Thanksgiving in Connecticut with everyone and having my brother and family join us for beautiful weather, great company, delicious food. My kids, my daughter's husband, Garrett's girlfriend. Paid bills. Knowing who are true friends. Knowing which family members care so much. Chirstmas shopping, shopping.
The bad: Being home alone while Mark travels, American filing CHAPTER 11, Fighting with Mark for shutting me out of his business. (only because he doesn't like my opinion)
The ugly: Mark fighting with me due to not liking my opinion. Revelation: everyone must have a plan B and Mark is always too busy to think about anyone or anything else. My Thanksgiving weight gain. Dysfunctional family situations that will remain in my mind, because I do not want to add to the dysfunction. Revelation: I know more than everyone thinks for I predicted that this company should protect itself by filing BK for a while.
However, The good seems to outweigh the bad and ugly. Revelation: I don't keep the bad and ugly in my mind long enough post.