
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Grinch Schminch

Twas the weeks before Christmas and all through the days
was a melancholy JoJo shopping  while in a haze

And Mark was still working, as bankruptcy ensues
Where we will be next year, we haven't a clue

It's business as usual, so says American Airlines
Thus, I spend "as usual" and hope to be fine.

The credit line extends for the gifts must be bought
I shop online cause going out, I'm distraught.

A few parties we go to and attend with a smile
It's a fake, I admit and but to them I have style.

My heart warms, and to some my smile becomes real
For the family I see, makes me happy with love that I feel.

To hell with you eleven for trying to dismay
 wonderful times of this year you can't take away.

But I became quite enlightened by the family and friends
on who really cares and of whom we can depend

Reservations, Resolutions and Revelations this year
Make me feel smart and much wiser than I appear.

To all of those out there who don't give a shit,
You know who you are so just know that I've had it.

To close on a year, of lessons both welcomed and not,
My attitude is great and I'm thankful for all that I've got.

I've got family, I've got friends and also our health,
All of which, I shall cherish, who needs the wealth.

Kisses and Hugs are the gifts that keep giving
See ya later, 2011, we will NOT stop living.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November is just another "chapter" of my life

For those old enough to remember a movie....... For those too young for the classic movie, this is my motto for the month:
The good.......the bad......the ugly.......

The good:  Friends and enjoying a wonderful, most delicious dinner at Donna's and Souhail's beautiful home, with my favorite Veronica's.  A good friend renting my house!   Family!  Mark's hunting experience in Cordoba, Argentina, shooting over 4000 doves, getting 4 massages, traveling 4 days, smoking 4 cigars.  Burton's cancer recovery.  Thanksgiving in Connecticut with everyone and having my brother and family join us for beautiful weather, great company, delicious food.  My kids, my daughter's husband, Garrett's girlfriend.  Paid bills.  Knowing who are true friends.  Knowing which family members care so much.  Chirstmas shopping, shopping.

The bad:  Being home alone while Mark travels, American filing CHAPTER 11, Fighting with Mark for shutting me out of his business.  (only because he doesn't like my opinion)

The ugly:  Mark fighting with me due to not liking my opinion.  Revelation: everyone must have a plan B and Mark is always too busy to think about anyone or anything else.  My Thanksgiving weight gain.  Dysfunctional family situations that will remain in my mind, because I do not want to add to the dysfunction.  Revelation:  I know more than everyone thinks for I predicted that this company should protect itself by filing BK for a while.   

However, The good seems to outweigh the bad and ugly.  Revelation:  I don't keep the bad and ugly in my mind long enough post.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Charity for the Charity goers

And so we are into the fall of 2011 and we begin a more fun part of the year. A family reunion in Chicago was added to our annual weekend of the Daaa Bears and friends.  The reunion was a success, the Bears won, and we enjoyed the weekend with family,friends, celebrating family and friends.  How's that for a perfect weekend. 
Revelation #1:  I realize that there are family members to which I am out of mind because I have been out of sight.  They will always be in my heart along with cherished memories.
Revelation #2:  I tend to keep only the cherished memories in my mind due to lack of space. 
Then once again, we are involved in charities together and alone.  Pilots for kids, Celebrity Golf (Susan G. Komen), relay for life - save the tata's, NFL Charity golf, Skyball and more.  It is like a reunion in itself when attending these events and a having bonding experiences within the reunion for the causes dear to our hearts.
Revelation:  When money is being spent on charities during the toughest times, beware of those that act like they are classier and above the rest, yet spend no money and have no class.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

This September, I frickin Remember....

Life is like lemons.....sour.  And I don't like yucky things to do, like clean bathrooms, paint, lift boxes, sweat!!!!! fly, be tired all the time.  Is it menopause?  cause I'm crabby?  cause I'm tired?  cause I hate everything?   I think not!!!  It's moving everything and it's alll hard stuff and inconvienent. 

Queens have servants doing these things. The Mob has people doing things for them.  Dallas socialites have people doing things for them...... I do believe I am, if not one of the above, all of the above.  But nooooooooooooooooo, outside of painting the outside of a house, somebody I know thinks that everything can be done in a couple of hours.

Thus, I am done with September, since Labor Day, I have done labor and am done, done, done. 

I planned on writing more, however, I have to clean out a closet or two.

By the end of the month, I've packed 100 boxes, unpacked 25, moved 25 and reorganized my Dallas house to accomodate more clothing, more kitchenware, more household items.  Now......I need a bigger Dallas house.  AND we are landlords. 

As any landlord would prefer, we hoped to rent to nice a family, one that appreciates the work we have done, one that will take pride in keeping the place nicely as their own, one that has if any, has a little dog, that has beautiful furniture in which to showcase the house when we sell, and one that allow us to sleep over and visit our house whenever we want.  Done and Done!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Such a SAD month during such a FUN month.

This is not the August Schmugust and I hope it ends on a good note.  I hate cancer, and I hate cancer alot....did I say...I hate cancer.  No creature, big or small, black or white, or black and white, should have this decease.  Burton does.  Mass Cell Tumor (MCT)

Amputation???  No!  Drop everything, literally is what we did in California while making such progress in preparing a house to prepare us to be landlords.  What kind of sick son-of-a-bitch, resorts to amputation of an entire limb to get rid of MCT on Burton's paw.  Second opinion please. 

How am I going to take care of a three legged dog when I'm barely walking on two legs.  One of 3 pins is "popping" out of it's place making it a longer recovery from this old war injury.  This is not fair.  No worries.....Mark is......oh Japan.  No kids are.....oh wait, working, living, busy.

No worries Burton, it's just you and me and our love for one another as Bear protects us.  Oh wait....I'm the bad guy that has to take Burton in for scary surgery and treatments. 

I have to say we had soooo much fun this month.....really!!! we really did!  (by the way, this is me continuing with my post).  We went to Vail to enjoy company, spa treatments, golf....(but no walking or hiking, that is my FAVORITE).  THEN....... we went to NYC, business with pleasure with family.

Move over Kim Kardashian and new husband who I never heard of, the DuPonts stay at the Ganesvoort toooooo.  You know that I'm serious since I spelled Kardashian and Ganesvoort correctly.  It is beautiful, hip, fun.  Marked walked to meetings along with at least 1 million guys with brief cases.  I went shopping with at least 2 million looky loos.....what the hell.....get out of my way, what is wrong with these people.

Oh, wait, there was an earthquake felt and everyone left their buildings for fear of something ELSE.  Sooooorrrrrrryyyyyy, I gave those people the pfftss.

And then we went to the Yankee Game with Michael and Stephanie and Barry and company, very fun company, very nice suite.    And then.....we left at the bottom of the 8th with the yanks losing 6-0.  And then......they had the greatest comeback to lose 7-6. 
And then.......we went to Knight Ranger.  we are such rock star life stylers.
And then......we went back stage and kissed Jack Blades, yes Mark did too, they are besties and we are now family.

Take THAT... cancer for trying to ruin things.........

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"I drink alone"....It's a song, ya know

I drink with friends.  I drink with family.  I drink with dogs.
my whole mind fogs....

I packed the house, I packed the car, I pack a box to ship so far.

I fly here, I fly there, I fly just about everywhere.

This month I cleaned, this month I preened, this month I cried, you ask me "why".

It's my big toe, oh I don't know, a swollen foot, who gives a hoot.

I will be fine and then I'll dine, I shall dine and I'll be fine

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

But I want ANOTHER one

Did anyone think that the MOB position would be everlasting?  Well it is, particularly when the wedding planning continues.  In actuality, I can now plan a wedding in 2 weeks.  Anyone need help? 

Torrington Country Club, was the beautiful setting for the quintessential New England reception.  The music was not as loud, the dancing still happened, we had more room AND there was still singing going on.  Missed were some cousins!!!!  Tyler, Danielle, JohnGuy, Tia....not coming to either reception??  Thank you Dan the Man for making an appearance in Connecticut. 

At the end of this reception, it was kind of what.  What does an MOB do now?  well.........take care of the wedding dress, pick up after the bride and groom, package the gifts, package the welcome tokens, (which happen to be 100 tiki shot glasses and sun screen), etc.  There is alot and I'm happily still the MOB.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mays, Grey and more parties!

Whew!  ya know, just because the wedding is over, does not mean I am NOT the MOB, I will be the MOB for quite some time.  I think I deserve a vacay in Bora Bora....the happy couple are pretty lucky that I did not accompany them.  However, we probably could have stowed away in one of their bungalow bedrooms and they would never have known...shhhhhhhh

On to golf in Texas.  Pilots for Kids started off the charity golf season, followed by Byron Nelson Classic at our golf club.  As always, these events bring people to us from all over and the Byron included my kids, to include Mike and Jen, Mom and my cousin, the talented Johnny.  Hot, hot, it was hot outside, but with the Ketel One air conditioned tent, I was just fine.  What a great way to enjoy Memorial weekend.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


OMG, OMG, OMG = Finally, Finally, and Finally.   Four fittings for Petunia, thanks to P90X, she is slim and buff, the dress is beautiful and with our brilliant idea to wear my  veil....the something old.  Why oh why she did not want to use the wreath that held the cathedral length unfinished veil, is beyond me.  It IS from the 80's, and she loves the 80's.  But Maria, the awesome seamstress, sewed that veil onto a beautiful silver comb within 5 minutes and it was perfect!

I love, love my dress, I love, love my shoes.  Everyone is set, I just need to have the $$$$$$$$ wedding gown delivered to Laguna Niguel.  Oh it got delivered alright!  with pins and unfinished.  Kleinfelds rose to their reputation and refunded the entire alteration fee (which amounted to the cost of other wedding gowns).  Thank you! 
Once again, Gram comes to the rescue.....again.  The dress is perfect!  Gram's dress is perfect, my dress is perfect.  Many actually thought we shopped together or at least coordinated.  Mark's tux???  Oh Father, I don't know where the flood is.

With a Scottish themed rehearsal dinner that the Mobley's perfectly put together at the Five Crowns, our night was complete with many speeches of great memories of Mike, a few tears, beer horns, nice wine (there it is again...), bagpipe, kilts, and of course....a fight at the bar following the dinner.  While the DuPonts did not partake in the speeches, it would not be an affair for the DuPonts without a fight.  Mike's clan blended in just the same.

Cut to the beautiful day of the actual wedding (what royal wedding???).  Veronica's set up our bridal room with the most delicious food, flowers, champagne.  Could they be sweeter??  It IS a tradition, and I can't wait to contribute.  Our hairdressers to include Garrett's girlfriend, Jen, did the best job as did our make up girls.  Enough about getting ready.....

Picture perfect ceremony, funny, silly, endearing with applause for the Man of Honor.  I think when the "I Do's" came along, the dolphins jumped into the air, and the sea gulls formed a perfect heart in the blue sky above while the deep blue ocean sparkled like the diamonds on the bride's ring.  Recessional for the bride and groom......Journey's Don't stop Believing....  (Sheet music provided by MOB)!

And if that wasn't perfect enough, passed around appetizers edible using Yankee flag toothpicks, a steel drum background music from Jamaica,mon, started the reception.  A live band, Knight Ryder of whom plays tribute to Night Ranger featuring Mike's uncle Jack Blades......followed a serenade from the groom to the bride with the contribution of Mike, Mike and uncle Jack......  The speeches from Garrett and Matthew were endearingly funny as was the FOB's.  To look at pictures, you might think it was more of a concert, but everyone danced, those that never dance, danced.  Great cigars, compliments of our best friend Steve, Flowers with the "wow" factor after opening up the doors, a little lighting.....again Perfect. 

This wedding will be hard to top..... you are welcome.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Single Petunia - Mee-am-mee

Yes, I went to Stephanie's bachelorette party in South Beach.....
Yes, we also celebrated Stephanie's 27th birthday...
Yes, we also celebrated Stephanie's amazing promotion....

Yes, Maria and I kept up with these beautiful girls. 
Yes, I laid in the sun (I never do)
Yes, I wore a sexy, slinky, backless, black dress...
Yes, I left a club with Maria and went to the wrong room....because we went up the elevator in the wrong hotel.......
Yes, we hijacked a party bus and finished the booze that was around because it was pouring rain, kind of like a hurricane coming in
Yes, we had a blast!

What?  Don't all mothers join 20 somethings in South Beach for bachelorette parties? Well, Maria and I did and out lived the young ladies.  This was possible, because we continued on to Marco Island for a relaxing time. 

And in true fashion, a month without 40,000 things to do is nothing without 40 side trips. 

LA, baby!  To the set of Hot in Cleveland, a little dinner with Gordon at Firenze with chef hotty....Fabio.  A little vino after Wendie's show in her dressing room...

To end the month with ANOTHER beautiful shower at Susanne's.  Sarah and Susanne are award winning bridesmaids.  Sarah for providing shower favours of lovely wine glasses and Susanne for redecorating her house just in time to entertain shower attendees.  Of course, the grandmother of the century, contributed to the deliciousness of our luncheon.  But what would a DuPont shower be without our flower girls serving cocktails.  That's right!~

Monday, February 21, 2011

But I want a Valentine's Day Tooooooooo

Valentine’s Day was quiet; Garrett was in Laguna Niguel for a kind of long weekend.  Stephanie and Mike, I’m sure had a lovely time in NYC.  My dogs were such lover McLoversons.   Mark, of course, gave me flowers.  And for his birthday…..I gave him….. I forgot.  Boooooooorrrrrrrrring

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy 2011 EVERYBODY

Happy Happy Quiet New Year.

Both of my kids did something different:  Garrett had Jen out to Dallas and they spent New Years partying downtown Dallas at a swanky club overlooking Victory Park, GhostBar and watched fireworks out the club window.  How perfect for him while he is enjoying his new digs and built by hand furniture aka Ikea.  It’s all great for him.

Stephanie went to the Berkshires for the New Year, at a house party……..a big big house with a big big party.  I don’t think she new what a Berkshire was, but she is learning.

Mark and I were cozy at home because as the MOB, I have a busy time ahead.  Everything to be done.  EVERYTHING.....

But first.......let's have a lovely shower ala Veronicas.  What.........a beautiful day, party, food.....The day was painted with colors that will never fade and we cherish the happiness we feel from the friendships of my Veronicas.   Everyone contributed from the heart and we are grateful.  Sentimental?????    yes!