
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Such a SAD month during such a FUN month.

This is not the August Schmugust and I hope it ends on a good note.  I hate cancer, and I hate cancer alot....did I say...I hate cancer.  No creature, big or small, black or white, or black and white, should have this decease.  Burton does.  Mass Cell Tumor (MCT)

Amputation???  No!  Drop everything, literally is what we did in California while making such progress in preparing a house to prepare us to be landlords.  What kind of sick son-of-a-bitch, resorts to amputation of an entire limb to get rid of MCT on Burton's paw.  Second opinion please. 

How am I going to take care of a three legged dog when I'm barely walking on two legs.  One of 3 pins is "popping" out of it's place making it a longer recovery from this old war injury.  This is not fair.  No worries.....Mark is......oh Japan.  No kids are.....oh wait, working, living, busy.

No worries Burton, it's just you and me and our love for one another as Bear protects us.  Oh wait....I'm the bad guy that has to take Burton in for scary surgery and treatments. 

I have to say we had soooo much fun this month.....really!!! we really did!  (by the way, this is me continuing with my post).  We went to Vail to enjoy company, spa treatments, golf....(but no walking or hiking, that is my FAVORITE).  THEN....... we went to NYC, business with pleasure with family.

Move over Kim Kardashian and new husband who I never heard of, the DuPonts stay at the Ganesvoort toooooo.  You know that I'm serious since I spelled Kardashian and Ganesvoort correctly.  It is beautiful, hip, fun.  Marked walked to meetings along with at least 1 million guys with brief cases.  I went shopping with at least 2 million looky loos.....what the hell.....get out of my way, what is wrong with these people.

Oh, wait, there was an earthquake felt and everyone left their buildings for fear of something ELSE.  Sooooorrrrrrryyyyyy, I gave those people the pfftss.

And then we went to the Yankee Game with Michael and Stephanie and Barry and company, very fun company, very nice suite.    And then.....we left at the bottom of the 8th with the yanks losing 6-0.  And then......they had the greatest comeback to lose 7-6. 
And then.......we went to Knight Ranger.  we are such rock star life stylers.
And then......we went back stage and kissed Jack Blades, yes Mark did too, they are besties and we are now family.

Take THAT... cancer for trying to ruin things.........